Saturday, June 20, 2009

The race is over

Alhamdulillah...slps lbh kurg 2 bln btungkus lumus mengubahsuai keta myvi utk projek Perodua Eco Challenge (PEC), UTP PEC akhirnya dpt sertai race arini. sblm apa2, biar aku bgtau dlu objektif projek ni. the objective of UTP PEC project is modify the car so that it will travel farther with a litre of fuel. and, gmbr2 berikut adalah hasil usaha UTP PEC 2009.

hasilnya? kami dbenarkn utk modify keta till late evening yesterday. at the end of the testing, we managed to squeezed out further kilometres, thanx to the tuner specially brought from sunway. it was a major improvement from the settings we done in utp. smua ahli team sgt2 hepi dgn result testing smlm. but come to the moment of truth, it didnt turn out as expected. reasons? ada la a few reasons yg kami fikirkan mghalang kami dr dpt result dr testing smlm. tp xde sapa yg patut dpersalahkn atau prlu rs bsalah. hnya technical problems yg prevent kami dr dpt result yg spatutnya.

nway, it was a very good job done by the team. we should all be proud of wat we have done. terima kasih utk smua ahli team UTP PEC: Haziq, Matshin, Aiman, Nik, Hafiz a.k.a Alex Yoong, Mat Kuzai, Faruq, Izzudin, Maawa, Rizkee, Azuan, Mat senior, Anas, Chem and abg2 technician. thanx jgk utk kwn2 yg dtg bg support kt subang td.

till next time, letih sgt ni je smpi dr subang.


kinnik said...

projek ni utk apa dik?
biler nak balik penang?

wandin said...

projek perodua sponsor utk bdak2 uni...
esok pg adik blk la png...for good.

hise si TOP said...

dinseung..apep un hg jgn pk sgt,,hg tgok la FO..may be tu leh wt hg xpk2 psl the past..jgn dgr lagu Love Sick, Woman Doesn't Know, Lies and Nobody..Hang dgr Tell me, Gee and Look at me Gwisoon

wandin said...

hahahaha...baik rumet. nasihatmu akan ku ikuti.